An advanced training with Raz Ori

Advanced training in London with Feldenkrais Trainer Raz Ori - 3 places remaining

Thinking & Breathing, Breathing & Action

Dates: Thur 13 - Sun 16 April 2023
Time: 11.00am - 5.00pm
Price: £395 per person *
Places: 28 3 places remaining
Regarding Feldenkrais tables:
We cannot provide tables. If you want to work on a table you will need to make arrangements to bring your own. Storage is available for the duration of the training.

Both voluntary and involuntary, breathing constitutes the most fundamental and primary movement of life. The action of breathing is an integrated part of every single action that we take, and is affected by how we act, what we think, our motivations, intentions and emotional state.

As practitioners, how much attention do we pay to our student's breathing habits?

Are they obvious or elusive to us, and should they be explicitly or implicitly addressed?

In this advanced training Raz will illuminate the deep connections between our breathing patterns, our self-carriage and our sense of well-being and how interacting with our own and our student's breathing patterns potentiates profound change and improvement.

Raz will begin with a thorough examination of the physio-motor characteristics of breathing, clarifying how the optimal, non-disturbed breathing mechanism works. Understanding the different synergies that are involved in producing the continuous flow of air is essential for understanding how breathing and upright carriage are intimately linked and form one single system.

Raz will then guide us in a detailed exploration of the different common breathing disturbances and how they are linked to common faulty postural patterns, further clarifying how a well-organized breathing mechanism aids in upright carriage and vice versa.

After exploring in theory and in practice through Awareness through Movement lessons, we will examine how to apply these synergistic relationships in Functional Integration. Sensitizing ourselves to join and follow our student’s breathing, relating the breathing to the organization of the spine, using our hands to stimulate and expand the breathing pattern are all skills that we will explore together.

You will gain a better understanding of:

Post training:

Included in the price is free access to FI videos, ATM recordings and a Zoom Q&A with Raz.

Question time follow-up video:

A recorded Q&A session will be recorded to address any questions that you may have afterward. Questions can be submitted via email.


Golden Lane Community Centre: Fann Street, London EC1Y 0SA

View on Google Maps

Transport & surrounding areas:

Places to stay:


What to bring:

Breaks during the training:

Light refreshments:

Raz Ori Raz Ori Feldenkrais Trainer

Raz Ori is a Practitioner and Trainer of the Feldenkrais Method®. He has served on the educational staff of training programs in Tel-Aviv, New-York, Germany, Italy, and South Korea, teaching with Ruty Bar, David Zemach-Bersin, and Lior Pessach.

He graduated in 2001 from the Tel-Aviv Feldenkrais Professional Training Program, and trained for two more years with Yochanan Rywerant, one of Dr. Feldenkrais’ first students.

Raz runs The Ramat-Aviv Feldenkrais Center where he teaches Awareness Through Movement classes and gives individual Functional Integration lessons.

Raz gained clinical experience working for 15 years at Clalit Integrative Medicine, part of Israel’s largest public health provider. He has also worked at the Sheba Medical Center with disabled war veterans suffering from chronic pain, phantom limb pain, PTSD, and head injuries.

Raz is also a certified JKA practitioner working with special needs children. He teaches advanced trainings and conducts on-line mentoring groups.

Raz lives in Tel-Aviv, with his wife and children.


Charlotte seirberg Charlotte Seirberg Workshop Producer

Charlotte is a Feldenkrais Practitioner based in London. She has over 14 years experience of teaching a variety of movement classes and workshops in the NHS, adult education, the local community, the commercial sector and in private practice.

Charlotte runs a private practice in Shoreditch for individual Functional Integration lessons.
